Monday, December 20, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
A message to Dolphin fans...

Let's rewind back about 14 years>>>I became a Dolphin fan in 1996, shortly after I realized that cheering for the Cowboys just made me a front runner, and just before cleveland moved its sorry franchise to which case I would have been a raven fan being that i'm from baltimore and all. In 1996 Dan Marino was nearing the end of his extremely prolific career, he was a statue in the pocket. The Phins went 8-8 that year, the epitimy of mediocrity. Legendary coach Don Shula retired and in came my boy from the team I formely cheered for..Jimmie Johnson. Fast forward 14 years>>>
"Fire Tony Sparano!" Am I hearing this correctly? I can't speak for the population of Dol-fans that watched the '72 team boast a perfect record in route to winning the franchises 1st of 2 Super Bowl Championships. Who I can speak for is every body else, everybody my age, who hasn't seen much more than 'middle of the road' for the last decade and a half. Let's face it guys, were not elite, we haven't been in a looong time. Definitely not in my lifetime. So where is this sudden lack of perspective coming from?
It wasn't but three years ago (2007) that the dolphins tied the record for most losses in an NFL season with 15 (a record broken by the lions a year later). Tony Sparano took over in 2008 and turned the team around completely. We went on to win our division for the first time since 2000! One of the greatest turn arounds in league history: That was 2 years ago...Flash back to the present where the dolphins are sitting at they're usual 7-6 record. While were 6-1 on the road..were 1-5 at home. Not great by any means, but a far cry from 1-15. Did we over achieve in 2008? Absolutely. Let's not forget that had Tom Brady a.k.a Mr. Perfect not gotten hurt in the first game that year, putting him out for the season, the patriots would have most likely topped our 11-5 record. The following year we came back down to earth with a 7-9 record but keep in mind we lost our offense in the middle of the year when Ronnie Brown went down with a foot injury. In theory and relative to what he was working with...Sparano's coaching tenure has been a wild success. If you don't agree with me, why don't we take a trip down memory lane and look at some of the goolish ghosts of Dolphin past...
Dave Wannstedt has had the most success of them all during my time as a fan and he just got run out the door at the University of Pittsburgh, a school whose biggest competition is, Wannstedt was basically doing his best Barry Switzer impression in Miami, making a name for himself due to the drafting wizardry of one Jimmie Johnson. The Dolphins defense was dominant under Wannstedt. A defense led by Sam Madison, Patrick Surtain, Zach Thomas, and Jason Taylor. All of whom were drafted by Johnson.
After a brief stint with Jim Bates we went on to hire the NCAA's hottest coach. Nick Saban. A guy who I'm convinced watched college football all day on thurdays and saturdays rather then breaking down game film. Before we even had time to thank him for acquiring Dante Culpepper rather than Drew Brees or applaud him for turning the Dolphins 2006 & 2007 drafts into a 'who's who?' of SEC football..he was on a bus towards Alabama to coach the Tide.
"Fire Tony Sparano!" 'Cause the grass is always greener on the other side..well, is it? To know where you're headed, you've got to know where you've been...and we've been mediocre at best. So let's all take a deep breath and appreciate a job well done from a guy who will likely bring us success here in the near future.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
GO 4 IT!

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Top 10 Thursday Edition
10. POGS
7. CITRA (the soda)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Dream Big

Friday, October 29, 2010
How am I supposed to react to someone having a booger stuck on their face? I know it sounds gross but these are the real issues I’m discussing here. If you don’t confront the problem immediately it only becomes more awkward, as if it weren’t awkward enough. It’s not like that little factoid fits in to any particular conversation “Oh really? I didn’t realize that oranges only grew in November, by the way you have a giant booger on your face.”…if you don’t bring it up in minute one of a conversation but decide to bring it up at minute six, the boogered face person is going to know that you’ve been staring at it. They know that you’ve been having your own personal melt down about whether or not to say anything, rendering the last five minutes of your conversation meaningless. I truly don’t know how to handle these situations when life presents them to me, so please, blow your nose.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Fact of the day
Good game...Better game..

I love how baseball has to play out 162 games over 183 days (roughly 7 months) to tell me something that I already knew. The Yankees and the Phillies are the best teams in baseball, we knew that in April and it’s still obvious closing in on October. I love baseball but the season reminds me of that guy or girl that we all run into that starts to tell you a story, you see where its going within the first two sentences, yet he or she still proceeds to share every mind numbing detail with you…then to your amazement the story ends as predicted and you look down at your cell phone only to learn you’re life just became 15 minutes shorter. That’s baseball. This is one of the reasons I appreciate the NFL so much. You go into the season thinking maybe the Saints can repeat but you don’t know…you think to yourself the Colts are always good right…but then they get bashed by the Texans. By week 2 you’re left looking at 2-0 Chiefs and Buccaneers teams and you can only say to yourself…wtf. I love you baseball but just get to the point.
Holler...glad to be back.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Relevant Rap Lyric of the Day...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Top 8

Friday, August 20, 2010
Playing the Name Game

Whiskey Lou’s
The Other Jonas
Lindsay Lohan’s Rehab Facility
Annie’s Boobs
The Bushwackers
Daddy Day Care
It’s Pronounced Awesome
What It Is?
The Decision
The Kardashian’s Lovers
One Man Wolfpack
Throwing Bowe’s
Time to Make the Donuts
Harvin’s Headaches
Space Invader Mustard Sandwich
New York Jetson’s
Urine Trouble
My Vick in a Box
Suzy Kolber’s Make Out Partner
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Breaking the Seal

***Keep in mind that none of this is even nearly factual so feel free to re-post this on Wikipedia.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me

Today I turn 25, a quarter of a century. Pretty big deal. I remember just yesterday I was failing my first driving test, and the day before that, I was getting my head checked for lice outside of Mrs. Morrison’s class in elementary school. Times flies and with that, so do some activities. So, in the spirit of being one monumental year older I have compiled a list of things that I am now officially too old to do. Some of you will say that I was already too old to do some of these activities, I respectfully disagree. But, now that I am 25 it is a slam dunk case…I am too old to do the following:
1) Get Slimed on Nickelodeon
2) Eat Flinstone vitamins
3) Jump in a bounce house
4) Be on an MTV reality show
5) Catch Beiber fever
6) Finish the Legends of The Hidden Temple Maze
7) Discuss my odd attraction to Miley Cyrus
8) Own a Tamagatchi
9) Put grenadine in any of my beverages
10) Go streaking
11) Get excited about the ice cream truck
12) Sleep on a bunk bed
13) Sleep on a water bed
14) Go to a college bar
15) Have 2 consecutive shots of Jagermeister
16) Blame it on the a-a-a-a-alcohol
17) Over use of the word ‘dude’
18) Wear super hero underwear
19) Climb a tree without provocation of a bear
20) Wake up at 3 in the afternoon
21) Go trick or treating
22) Get in bar fights
23) Text the abbreviation omg
24) Strap my wrists with silly bands
25) Urinate in public
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Fact of The Day...
Monday, August 2, 2010
Better Armstrong?

Which is the better Armstrong..Lance or Stretch?
Toughy I know. We better disect this in order to come out with a true victor. Lance was born in ’71 while Stretch didn’t grace our presence on this earth until ’78, clearly giving Strecth the advantage when it comes to youth. However, Lance has won 12 Grand Tours (not that I need to tell you, obviously you’ve watched them) which means his endurance and stamina is unparalled. Conditioning Edge..Lance Armstrong.
Disabilities can ravage an athlete and none has had it worse than Lance Armstong. Lance was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1996, but Lance being the consimate professional that he is made a valliant comeback in 1998. Lance showed a great deal of testicular fortitude (for lack of a better phrase) in his return to competition. Stretch on the other hand has never been diagnosed with any major ailments. However, anyone who has ever owned a Stretch Armstrong would tell you that the questionable gooey gel that spewed from his body when you would stretch him too far would always, without fail, spelled his doom for the lil' guy if you couldn’t get him patched up in time. Overcoming Adveristy Edge…Stretch Armstrong
Longevity is the quality in an athlete or action figure that can take him/her from great to legendary. For Strecth Armstrong, he had a solid run for about 16 years, invading households across the nation…spewing his gel across throw rugs all over America, until he quickly fizzled out of the mainstream. He left an indedible mark on our nations culture, one that should not be soon forgotten. In fact, everyone’s favorite boy turned puppy Taylor Launter will be playing him in a movie coming out sometime next year. While all of that is magnificent and impressive, Sir Lance Armstrong has been riding his bicycle for over 23 years! And I’m not talking about when he first got on a trike bike, I’m talking competitve bicycle riding (its hard to say that with a straight face). Lance dominated bike riding for the better part of 2 decades until this last Tour De France where he came in 7th or 42nd or something, who knows, no one watches. So, the natural choice in this final segment of the debate should be Lance Armstrong…curveball! I can not award Lance the victory due to allegations about possible drug use. PED’S are not tolerated on this blog site and therefore Lance is disqualified, giving non-other than Stretch Armstrong the decisive victory as better Armstrong.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Fantasy Question Answered

To me it’s without question Ryan Matthews, rookie out of Fresno State. Matthews was taken 12th overall in the NFL draft by the San Diego Chargers, who desperately needed help at that position once the washed up L.T. packed his things and moved to New York. Matthews is projected as the starting running back coming into this season, placing him one roster spot above emerging talent Darren Sproles. Sproles is one of the fastest backs in the league but at the same time he’s tiny and can’t carry the load for 20 reps a game. That’s where Ryan Matthews value comes into play. Whenever you can get your hands on a running back that doesn’t have to split carries too much and is going to be used as a ‘workhorse’ back, you should. Here is my problem, its not that he doesn’t have value, its that he is wayyyy over valued. I see him going in the early second round in mock drafts and even the NFL network has him ranked 12th overall, above guys like Randy Moss, Larry Fitzgerald, Steven Jackson, DeAngelo Williams, and so forth. I could go on for days about why each one of these guys is a smarter pick than Matthews but let’s just go with Steven Jackson. Its simple, Steven Jackson was one 2,000 yard rusher (Chris Johnson) away from leading the league in rushing last year. Straight and to the point, if you find yourself staring down the barrel of who to take…go with the proven player who has actually put up consistent over his time in the league. One final point, the Chargers are a passing team where the ball goes through Philip Rivers not their ground game…just ask Tomlinson. I’m not saying don’t take him but I almost guarantee that he will be taken too early, let someone else make that mistake.
Thank you
Friday, July 23, 2010
6 Steps To Making a Quality Mix

1. Consider whether you want the mix to convey a certain emotion or message. Pick music that you like and appreciate. How much you enjoy making the mix will be apparent in the final package.
2. Don't always focus on a genre and a theme. Putting widely different tracks in a compilation can add contrast for the listener.
3. Be flexible. Collect a set of tracks as a rough draft for the CD with the expectation you may decide not to include some of them.
4. Play around with the arrangement of the tracks. Think of the mix tape as a prolonged listening experience. You don't want the listener to get bored or skip songs. The first few tracks should grab the listener and get their attention. Group slower or softer songs together and then gradually build up momentum to more upbeat songs. A fast/heavy song might not go well after a soft, acoustic one.
5. Finalize your track arrangement and listen to the version a few times, making necessary adjustments. Feel free to remove some tracks and add others. It's possible that you may realize new tracks you'd like to add late in the process.
6. Burn the CD
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
5 Things...

1. The Real World is still on.
3. Chad Ochocinco stole all of Ray J’s girlfriends.
4. Leonardo Dicaprio is apparently still alive despite a horrible boating accident some time ago.
Monday, July 19, 2010
'Fast' Edddie

Monday, July 12, 2010
Hear No Evil

Sunday, July 11, 2010
The rich get richer...

Thursday, July 1, 2010
It's a bird, it's a plane...

So many questions are left to be answered but at the center of this free agency storm is Lebron James, the man the entire city of Cleveland is depending on. Is he going to let down millions (and millions) of the most helpless/pathetic sports fans on the planet? Leaving the people of Cleveland nothing to cheer for but the scraps Lebron left behind on the Cavs and a football franchise that is so sad it doesn’t even have a logo…Lebron would not be the first mega star to leave a city that so richly depended on him. Plenty of players have abandoned the team that they filled with hope for several years only to try and go on to bigger and better things. Shaq did it to the Magic, Griffey did it to the Mariners, and A-Rod did it to the Rangers. While Lebron might not walk on water anytime soon or even lower gas prices in any given city, he is still going to make a big splash wherever he lands. Hell, he might even boost the economy.
NBA owners know what type of impact he can have on not only a team but a city and that’s why everyone who has any money to offer is going to offer it to this guy, I even heard Team Edward is putting together a lucrative offer for the ball player. I’m just glad that finally, for the first time, the Yankees aren’t going to grab the biggest free agent on the market…Bron Bron is going to be facing a ton of pressure wherever he goes, pressure to finally live up to the outrageous hype put on him coming out of high school. It is rather fitting that he is changing his number to 6 because that’s exactly how many titles he is going to need to win to be thought of as the next best thing since Michael Jordan.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Because I couldn't think of 10...
9. Decaff coffee-Drinking decaffeinated coffee is like sleeping on a pillow case..But just the pillow case. What is the point?
8. Haters-People who think they have “haters” are ridiculous. Could it be that maybe you’re just not likeable?
7. Stoppage time in soccer-Calm down soccer snob I get what stoppage time is but it’s stupid. It’s bad enough that soccer is the only sport in which the clock counts up but when that’s finished the referee says “stay on the field for umm I don’t know 4 minutes or so and I’ll just end the game when I’m ready”.
6. Bumper stickers on 40,000 dollar cars-I don’t really get bumper stickers period but I guess if you want to try to pimp out your Corolla with a Coexist sticker to each his own. I just don’t get why you would ruin a perfectly good BMW with a mini promotion of how well your 7 year old is doing in grade school.
5. O’Doul’s (see #9)
4. Iphone 4- how is it that this world is on its 4th version of the iphone but no one can figure out how to plug a hole in an oil drum.
3. Why Alex Trebek still asks these Jeopardy contestants questions about their life…they are never interesting…not once, not ever.
2. People with unibrows-shave that sh*t.
1. Pennies-why do they still make those? I’m as "Jewey" as they come and not even I will waste my energy on bending down to grab one off the floor…unless its heads up of course.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Technical Knockout

Monday, June 21, 2010
Zee Swatting

It’s about that time again this year to start thinking about fantasy football. This year is interesting; it seems as if the last few seasons have been dominated by quarterbacks and wide receivers while running backs took a “back seat”. Running backs are making a strong comeback with possibly 8 of the top 10 players in the league. Expect to see a quick run off of running backs at the beginning of the draft. Outside of guys like Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers, and Andre Johnson I would be shocked to see anybody else but guys at the running back position flying off the board. Don’t let that fool you however; if your league rewards wide receivers with a point per reception (PPR) then the final scores last season would suggest that receivers are more valuable than running backs. In fact 76% of the top 30 players at flex positions (rb, wr, te) were receivers.
The wr position is very deep this season which is why it is not imperative to snatch a wide out immediately like last year. Plenty of wr’s will fall in the draft, successful ones at that, guys like Donald Driver, Hines Ward, and Mike Sims-Walker who after one year as the #1 guy in Jacksonville has a better grasp of the system and should continue produce. As far as qb’s go the 2 I mentioned before are more than reliable options, Drew Brees is a model of consistency and accuracy while Aaron Rodgers is coming off a season where he was the #1 quarterback in fantasy. Chances are these guys won’t be around unless you go after them real early. Everyone knew what Drew Brees was capable of going into last season and he still slipped to many people in the 3rd round of the draft, not that many people are going to make that mistake this year. QB’s that will likely be there in the early third round that are worth giving a look are Peyton Manning, Phillip Rivers, Tony Romo, and Tom Brady.
Selecting your first player can be difficult; there is a lot of pressure to hit a home run with your pick in the first round because it sets the tone for the rest of your team. Every season will bring its share of disappointments in the first round but you have a good chance of selecting someone who can live up to the hype. Let’s take a look at a general consensus of what the first round looked like last season.
Round 1:
1. Adrian Peterson rb
2. Maurice Jones-Drew rb
3. Matt Forte rb
4. Steve Slaton rb
5. Michael Turner rb
6. Steven Jackson rb
7. Chris Johnson rb
8. DeAngelo Williams rb
9. Drew Brees qb
10. Frank Gore rb
11. Larry Fitzgerald wr
12.Andre Johnson wr
Give or take some of the draft slots this is what a typical 12 team first round looked like. Some guys did exactly what we expected (MJD), some guys under performed but were still fantasy gold (A.P.), and others completely tanked (Steve Slaton). Now, while Adrian Peterson didn’t do what everyone expected him to do he still crushed most other running backs in points this year (A.P. was 4th overall in points for rb’s in 2009). MJD was strong and will again be a top 3 pick in most 2010 drafts. Matt Forte and Steve Slaton were the only 2 major let downs from last years first round. Forte is no better than a 6th or 7th round draft pick this year and Slaton might not even get drafted. Michael Turner didn’t do what all the hype told us he was going to do but a lot of fantasy experts see big things coming from him this year, Turner is still projected to go in the top 5 of most drafts. Turner definitely has the talent, supporting cast, and offensive scheme to be a successful running back in this league. Do I even need to talk about what Chris Johnson did? He should be the #1 pick in every draft this year no question. Larry Fitzgerald falls under the same category as A.P., as he didn’t do badly but he just didn’t put up the numbers that were expected of him. Larry Fitz was still a top 6 wr in ’09. Those are two guys that fell victim to high expectations. What you can take away from this going into this years draft is tailor back some of your expectations towards these “sexy” picks. As I said before, every season will bring its share of disappointments but you have a good chance of selecting someone who can produce first round type numbers. Only 3 or 4 players out of 12 didn’t deserve to be drafted anywhere near the first round. I’ll take those odds going into the 2010 draft.