Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gain Some Perspective

Quick thought...isnt it funny how we judge our athletes? Just like any celebrity we tend to put them on a pedestal whether they deserve it or not--Why is it always a shock when they act immorally? These guys aren't running for president, they're professional athletes. Take football for example...these men are paid to annihilate one another for 60 minutes each week, in that line of work your not going to get a lot of Ghandi's. Logic would tell you you're more likely to get the Charles Manson's of the world. So that's that point...let me get to why I'm writing in the first place>>>

Perhaps its the "TMZ" era of media that makes it appear as if there are more 'crap bags' in sports than ever. Its probably always been like this but we as fans just never knew or never cared---Take a look at whats gone on recently with athletes, not just semi-famous athletes either, I'm talkin' some of the biggest athletes on the globe...guys like Kobe Bryant, Ray Lewis, Michael Vick, Ben Roethlisberger, Lance Armstrong, and last but certainly not least Tiger Woods.

The guys mentioned above have been accused of some pretty heinus acts within the last few years...things like rape, murder, steroid use, infedelity, and yes even dog killing.

Each one of these athletes has been pummled by the media and sports fans at one time or another...each one has been vilified and perhaps deservedly so, although not all of the men listed above were charged with crimes or found guilty. I'm not here to get into that..whether guilty or innocent, every single one of those stars has had their images at least slightly tarnished. With that said, it seems as though the general public has forgiven these guys. Well, forgiven might be taking it too far but people definetly haven't skipped a beat on cheering for them, buying their jerseys, or yellow bracelets.

Ok ready...

WHAT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! My point...if you were to strike up conversation with a random sports fan on the street and you were to ask that person who the most hated man in sports is they will more than likely say this name...Lebron James. I saw a poll on a sports website that asked that same question and the leader in votes guessed it...Lebron James. R U KIDDING ME?! Now, I'm not saying that 'The Decision' wasn't annoying (cause it was)_I'm not saying that the WWE style intro the big three took part in when they got to Miami wasn't over the top (cause it was), but how is it that this guy is the biggest villian in sports? I truely don't get it.

The way I perceive this sports fandom phenomenon is that fans are basically saying "Cheat on your wife, sure."--"Shoot a needle in your butt, that should solve that level field playing problem"--"Feel up an unwilling girl in a public restroom, why not?"--"Mercilessly kill animals...who cares?!"--"BUT DO NOT!!...under any circumstance leave your team when your contract expires in order to chase titles!"


My First Rumble..haven't looked back since!

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Parody on Parody

Parody right? Suuure, maybe in the NFC but in the AFC its been pure dominance over the last 10 seasons. With the exception of the season where the Raiders found they're way into the big dance the AFC has been dominated by 3 teams alone. I'm not even going to count the Raiders because even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and again, doesnt mean I have to start printing brail on acorns. The AFC has been owned by the Colts, Patriots, and Steelers for the last decade so dont tell me about parody. The NFC meanwhile has had 10 (count em) 10 different teams reach the super bowl in the last 10 seasons, so thank you NFC for keeping it interesting. I'm just sayin', everyone bitches about baseball and basketball being so lop-sided but they fail to realize its no different in football. That's sports. That's life. Deal with it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's about that time...

Just like every super hero needs his theme music, every great dunker needs a nickname. The Akron Hammer, Air Jordan, Durantula, the Black Mamba, Vinsanity, and several Supermen...You get the point. Blake Griffin has wow'd NBA fans during the first half of his rookie campaign and I think he's ready..he's ready for a bad-ass nickname and I would be honored to be the one to give it to him. After 24 hours of pumping my creative juices I've squeezed out this gem: Blake "Shot Clock" Griffin..because he plays above the rim! Your welcome Blake, or should I say Shot Clock..I'll email you my address, I expect royalty checks within the month. Good day.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Divisional Round...

It’s time for the divisional round in the NFL Playoffs…8 teams remain. 7 with winning records. Which brings me to my first point…does anybody actually want to see the Seahawks win? Sure people like an underdog but what if that dog doesn’t even deserve to be in the same cage as these other teams. Let’s face it, if the Seahawks advance any further people will be watching much less than they would be if any of the other NFC teams were to continue on in the tournament. We really should just crown the winner of the Falcons/Packers game NFC champions but when it comes to Sunday’s 1 o’clock game…Don’t lie to yourself, go bears.

In the AFC it just couldn’t be any better, two tremendous rivalries. The fat man vs. Einstein in a hoodie. Compelling. However it may only be compelling for about a quarter and a half if Belichik and Brady flex their muscle. I don’t see how the Jets, lead by Mark Sanchise can muster a win against the most dominant team in the league. With that said, the most anticipated game of the week in my opinion is the Ravens/Steelers game. Do you realize that these teams have met 17 times in the past 8 season?! Of those 17 the Steelers have won 9 and the Ravens have won 8…with a total combined score of 302-302. Can you say evenly matched? I can’t wait. Enjoy the remainder of the post season because The Don said so.