"Real fact" #917
The average lead pencil can draw a line 35 miles long or write roughly 50,000 English words.
I love how baseball has to play out 162 games over 183 days (roughly 7 months) to tell me something that I already knew. The Yankees and the Phillies are the best teams in baseball, we knew that in April and it’s still obvious closing in on October. I love baseball but the season reminds me of that guy or girl that we all run into that starts to tell you a story, you see where its going within the first two sentences, yet he or she still proceeds to share every mind numbing detail with you…then to your amazement the story ends as predicted and you look down at your cell phone only to learn you’re life just became 15 minutes shorter. That’s baseball. This is one of the reasons I appreciate the NFL so much. You go into the season thinking maybe the Saints can repeat but you don’t know…you think to yourself the Colts are always good right…but then they get bashed by the Texans. By week 2 you’re left looking at 2-0 Chiefs and Buccaneers teams and you can only say to yourself…wtf. I love you baseball but just get to the point.
Holler...glad to be back.